Mental health data available in representative surveys conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean countries



This review aimed to identify and describe available mental health survey data in LACC, providing access details for researchers.


Our study was a scoping review. The search for available mental health survey data was conducted in PubMed and through grey literature searches, and the search dates were between 26 August 2021 and 15 October 2021. Included survey data were/had (1) nationally representative, (2) the latest version available from 2012 onward, (3) collected in at least one LACC and (4) at least one mental health variable or related factor. We accepted all written languages, including Spanish and English.


A total of 56 national and 13 international surveys were included, with data available on 95 mental health variables classified into 10 categories. Most national surveys were performed in upper-middle-income countries. Variables categorised as ‘Substance use’ and ‘Violence’ were the most frequent. Mexico and Colombia had the highest production in both the national and international surveys. The main target population was the adult population. However, there are several mental health topics and LACC yet unsurveyed.


We identified a total of 69 representative surveys from LACCs since 2012. We categorised the available data on mental health variables into 10 categories, and provided technical details to facilitate the future selection and use of these surveys.

National surveys

Survey' name
Income level (World Bank classification)
Sample design
Mental Health Variables
Instruments & items
Type of measurement
Evaluation MH criteria (1 = as survey mentioned, 2 = extractor team criteria)
General URL
Inform / report of results
Manual / Guide
1Guyana Population and Housing Census (Censo de Población y Vivienda de Guyana)2012GuyanaUpper middle incomeEvery 10 yearsStratified probability samplingGeneral populationViolenceBeing victim of a crimeHas any member of the household been a victim of any of the following crimes during the past 12 months?
a) Murder
b) Kidnapping shooting c) Rape/sexual abuse
d) Armed robbery
e) Wounding
f) Larceny/theft
g) Domestic abuse
Set of items2-Yes: detected
2National Secondary Schools Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Escuelas Secundarias)2013BarbadosHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescentsSubstance useAlcohol consumptionHow many of your friends drink alcohol regularly?
Have you ever drunk alcoholic beverages in your lifetime?
When was the first time you drank alcoholic beverages?
How old were you when you drank alcoholic beverages for the first time in your life?
Have you drunk any alcoholic beverages over the past 12 months? Have you drunk alcoholic beverages over past 30 days?
Where do you most often drink alcohol?
From whom/where do you usually get alcohol?
How many days, over the past 30 days, have you taken too much to drind and have gotten drunk?
Set of items1-Yes: detected
2National Secondary Schools Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Escuelas Secundarias)2013BarbadosHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescentsSubstance useTobacco consumptionHow many of your friends smoke marijuana regularly?
Have you ever smoked cigarettes in your lifetime?
When was the first time you smoked cigarettes
How old were you when you smoked cigarettes for the first time in your life
Have you smoked cigarettes over the past 12 months?
Have you smoked cigarettes over the past 30 days?
About how many cigarettes a day have you smoked over the past 30 days
Set of items1-Yes: detected
2National Secondary Schools Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Escuelas Secundarias)2013BarbadosHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescentsSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesHave you had any serious conversations with any of your parent’s about the dangers of drug use?
Focusing now on your parents, do you believe that any one of them used any illegal drug when they were young?
Do any one of your parents regularly smoke at least one cigarette per day?
As far as you know, do any of your brothers or sisters or anybody else living at home with you currently use any drug?
In general, do you believe that there drugs at your school?
In general, do you believe that there are students who bring, try or deal with drugs at your school?
Do you believe that there are drugs in the area surrounding or next to your school?
Do you believe that some students try to buy or deal in drugs amongst themselves just outside the school?
Set of items1-Yes: detected
3Bolivia Household Survey (Encuesta de Hogares de Bolivia)2018BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthLifestyle (Physical activity)28. (...) at work or in your daily tasks do you require/need to perform intense or moderate physical activity for at least 30 consecutive/ continuous minutes? (e.g. lifting, construction work, delivering products, etc.)Set of items1-Not detectedYes:
3Bolivia Household Survey (Encuesta de Hogares de Bolivia)2018BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthMental disabilityFue calificado en el Registro Único Nacional de Personas con Discapacidad – SIPRUNPCD del Ministerio de Salud o fue registrado en el Instituto Boliviano de la Ceguera (IBC)?Set of items2-Not detectedYes:
3Bolivia Household Survey (Encuesta de Hogares de Bolivia)2018BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationViolenceUnspecified violenceIn the last 12 months, (...) have you been a victim of: and among the answers is rape or sexual abuse? esta violación o abuso sexual?Single item2-Not detectedYes:
3Bolivia Household Survey (Encuesta de Hogares de Bolivia)2018BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthDiscriminationIn the past 12 months, have you been discriminated against for any of the following reasons:Single item1-Not detectedYes:
4National Survey on Quality of Life of Older Adults (Encuesta Nacional sobre Calidad de Vida de Adultos Mayores - ENCaViAM)2012ArgentinaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdults over 60 yearsDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionDuring the past year, have you been diagnosed with depression by a physician?
During the last year, have you received any psychiatric or psychological treatment for depression?
Set of items1-Yes: detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Substance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Substance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Substance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )ViolenceSexual and intimate partner violenceNot availableUnclear2-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )ViolencePhysical and sexual abuseNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )ViolencePersonal violenceNot availableUnclear2-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Depression, anxiety and stressAnxietyNot availableUnclear2-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Depression, anxiety and stressDepressionNot availableUnclear2-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Suicidal behaviourFamily suicide attemptNot availableUnclear2-Yes: detectedNot detected
5Youth Health Survey Aruba (Encuesta de Salud Juvenil de Aruba)2013ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescents (12-19 years old )Suicidal behaviourSuicideNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
6Guyana Womens Health and Life Experiences Survey (Encuesta de Experiencias de Vida y Salud de las Mujeres de Guyana )2018GuyanaUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingwomen and girlsViolenceInceidence of controlling behavior,emotional abuseDoes not permit you to meet your female friends.
Tries to limit your contact with your family of birth Insists on knowing where you are at all times.
Gets jealous or angry if you talk with another man.
Frequently accuses you of being unfaithful.
Expects you to ask his permission before seeking health care for yourself.
Does not trust you with money.
Checks your cellphone to see who you have called / who has called you.
Set of items1-Yes: detectedNot detected
6Guyana Womens Health and Life Experiences Survey (Encuesta de Experiencias de Vida y Salud de las Mujeres de Guyana )2018GuyanaUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingwomen and girlsViolenceSexual and intimate partner violencePhysically forced to have sexual intercourse when she did not want.
Had sexual intercourse because afraid of partner.
Forced to perform degrading/humiliating sexual act.
Set of items1-Yes: detectedNot detected
6Guyana Womens Health and Life Experiences Survey (Encuesta de Experiencias de Vida y Salud de las Mujeres de Guyana )2018GuyanaUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingwomen and girlsViolencePhysical and sexual abuseCurrent physical violenceSingle item1-Yes: detectedNot detected
6Guyana Womens Health and Life Experiences Survey (Encuesta de Experiencias de Vida y Salud de las Mujeres de Guyana )2018GuyanaUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingwomen and girlsViolenceFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence)Lifetime physical violenceSingle item1-Yes: detectedNot detected
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsQuality Of LifeAccessibility (physical and/or intellectual disability, mental and behavioral disorders) -Quality of lifeIs the school aware of smoking by teachers on its premises? Is the school aware of smoking by students on its premises?
Does the school have a policy, rule, or written rule that prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages on its premises?
Does the school have a policy, standard, or written rule that prohibits the use of illicit drugs on its premises?
Does the school have a policy, standard, or written rule that prohibits bullying on its premises?
Does the school have students with disabilities or global development disorder?
Does the school offer adapted physical activity for students with disabilities?
Set of items1 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsSubstance useTobacco consumptionHave you ever smoked cigarettes, even one or two puffs?
How old were you when you first tried cigarette smoking?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, in general, how did you get your own cigarettes?
Set of items1 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsSubstance useAlcohol consumptionHave you ever had a dose of alcohol (one dose is equivalent to one can of beer or one glass of wine or one shot of cachaça or whiskey, etc.)?
How old were you when you had your first dose of alcoholic beverage (one dose is equivalent to one can of beer or one glass of wine or one dose of cachaça or whiskey, etc.)?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had at least one glass or one shot of alcoholic beverage (one shot is equivalent to one can of beer or one glass of wine or one shot of cachaça or whiskey, etc.)?
In your life, how many times have you had problems with your family or friends, missed classes or had fights because you had been drinking?
Set of items1 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesHave you ever used drugs such as: marijuana, cocaine, crack, glue, lollipop, perfume, ecstasy, oxy, etc.?
How old were you when you used some drug such as drug such as: marijuana, cocaine, crack, glue, loló, perfume launcher, ecstasy, oxy or other for the first time?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days have you used drugs such as: marijuana, cocaine, crack, glue, loló,perfume, ecstasy, oxy, etc.?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days have you used marijuana?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days have you used crack? How many of your friends use drugs?
Set of items1 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsViolenceBullyingIN THE LAST 30 DAYS, how often have any of your classmates bullied, teased, taunted, bullied or teased you so much that you were hurt, annoyed, upset, offended or humiliated?
Have you ever been bullied?
Set of items2 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsGeneral mental health problemsMental healthIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, how often have you felt lonely?
IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, how often have you been unable to sleep at night because something was worrying you so much?
How many close friends do you have?
Set of items2 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthSexual and reproductive healthHave you ever had sex (had sex)?
How old were you when you had sex (had sex) for the first time?
Did you use condom on your first sexual intercourse?
The last time you had sex, did you or your partner use any method to avoid pregnancy and/or STDs?
Set of items1 detectedYes:
7Brazil National Survey of School Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar-PENSE)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescentsOther mental disordersBody imagenDo you consider your body image to be something: How do you feel about your body?
What are you doing about your weight?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, have you vomited or taken laxatives to lose weight or avoid gaining weight?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, have you taken any unmedicated medicine, formula, or other product to lose weight?
IN THE LAST 30 DAYS, have you taken any medicine, formula or other product to gain weight or muscle mass without medical supervision?
Set of items1 detectedYes:
8The Adolescent Health and Sexuality Study Cayman Islands (El Estudio de Salud y Sexualidad de los Adolescentes Islas Caimán)2013Cayman Island High incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescents (15-19 years old )General mental health problemsMental healthNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
8The Adolescent Health and Sexuality Study Cayman Islands (El Estudio de Salud y Sexualidad de los Adolescentes Islas Caimán)2013Cayman Island High incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescents (15-19 years old )Substance useCigarettes, alcohol and other drugsNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
8The Adolescent Health and Sexuality Study Cayman Islands (El Estudio de Salud y Sexualidad de los Adolescentes Islas Caimán)2013Cayman Island High incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingAdolescents (15-19 years old )ViolenceAbuse and violenceNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
9Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros- ELSI-Brasil)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdults from 50 years oldSubstance useAlcohol consumptionHow often do you usually drink an alcoholic beverage?
On HOW MANY DAYS OF THE WEEK do you usually drink an alcoholic beverage?
In general, WHEN YOU DRINK AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE, how many drinks do you consume?
Set of items1-
9Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros- ELSI-Brasil)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdults from 50 years oldSubstance useTobacco consumptionDo you currently smoke?
Have you smoked in the past?
How long ago have you stopped smoking?
How old were you when you started smoking regularly?
Do you smoke or smoked manufactured cigarettes?
Do you smoke or smoked cigars or cigarillos?
On average, how many manufactured cigarettes do you smoke or smoked per day or per week?
6 On average, how many straw or handrolled cigarettes do you smoke or smoked per day or per week?
On average, how many pipes do you smoke or smoked per day or per week?
Set of items1-
9Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros- ELSI-Brasil)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdults from 50 years oldNeurocognitive and neurologicalCognitionDo you know how to read and write a note?
Currently, how do you classify your memory?
Comparing your memory to how it was 2 years ago, you think that your current memory is:
Could you tell me today’s date? Please tell me day, month and year.
Set of items1-
9Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros- ELSI-Brasil)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdults from 50 years oldDepression, anxiety and stressDepressive symptomatologyDuring the PAST WEEK, have you felt depressed most of the time? During the PAST WEEK, have you felt most of the time that things were more difficult than they used to be?
During the PAST WEEK, have you felt, most of the time, that your sleep was not restful, that is, you were waking up not feeling rested? During the PAST WEEK, have you felt lonely most of the time? During the PAST WEEK, have you enjoyed or felt pleasure in your life most of the time? During the PAST WEEK, have you felt sad most of the time? During the PAST WEEK, have you felt unable to carry out your things most of the time?
Set of items1-
9Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros- ELSI-Brasil)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdults from 50 years oldDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionHas a doctor ever told you that you have depression?
In the PAST 30 DAYS, for how many days would you say your mental health was not good, for example, you felt depressed, stressed out, or with other emotional issues?
Set of items1-
9Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros- ELSI-Brasil)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdults from 50 years oldPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthPsychosocialDo you have friends?
How often do you feel alone/lonely?
Set of items1-
10Belize National Child Activity Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Actividad Infantil de Belice)2013BelizeLower middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingchildren and adolescents (5- 17 years old)ViolenceChild labor (Child violence)not availableUnclear1- detected
11GOA Gezondheidsstatistieken (Estadísticas de salud de GOA)2018ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionnot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
11GOA Gezondheidsstatistieken (Estadísticas de salud de GOA)2018ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionnot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
11GOA Gezondheidsstatistieken (Estadísticas de salud de GOA)2018ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationQuality Of LifePsychological well-beingnot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
11GOA Gezondheidsstatistieken (Estadísticas de salud de GOA)2018ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationMental health servicesNeed for professional helpnot availableUnclear2-Yes: detected
11GOA Gezondheidsstatistieken (Estadísticas de salud de GOA)2018ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSuicidal behaviourSuicidal ideationnot availableUnclear2-Yes: detected
12Bullying in Primary Schools (Bullying en las Escuelas Primarias)2015ArubaHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescentsViolenceBullyingnot availableUnclear1-Yes: detectedNot detected
13National Survey of Family Relations and Gender Violence against Women (Encuesta Nacional de Relaciones Familiares y Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres)2019EcuadorUpper middle incomeFortnightlyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingWomen fifteen years of age and olderViolenceFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).Insulted, shouted at, offended or humiliated her for being a woman (because of the way she thinks, acts, expresses herself or dresses).
Ignored her or made her feel inferior for being a woman.
Made comments to her that women should not study or perform certain activities considered men's work.
Sent her messages or posted comments with insults or offenses on her cell phone, email or social networks.
Assaulted her by pushing, pulling her hair, kicking, punching or throwing objects at her.
You have been told rude or offensive compliments of a sexual nature or about your body.
Tell me if during your life, have any people in your family, because you are a woman: Taken away, destroyed or appropriated your goods or property or appropriated documents that accredit you as the owner or possessor of an asset.
During your lifetime, in any of the gynecological care received, not including childbirth care, did any health personnel (doctor, nurse, obstetrician, intern, nursing assistant, student): make any sexual comment or insinuation that made you feel offended, humiliated or uncomfortable at the time of gynecological care? (...)
Set of items1-
14Violence against women in El Salvador: population study (Violencia contra las Mujeres en El Salvador : estudio poblacional)2014El SalvadorLower middle incomeNot clearTri-stage probability samplingWomen between 15 and 64 years oldViolenceSexual and intimate partner violencea) [Has he...] Slapped you or thrown things that could hurt you?
b) Pushed, cornered or pulled your hair? "Severe" physical violence: when they answered "yes" to one or more of the following questions:
(c) Hit with your fist, crow or something else that could hurt you?
d) Kicked, dragged, or beaten you?
e) Attempted to strangle or burn you on purpose?
f) Threatened to use or used a gun, knife or other weapon on you?
Has your current husband/partner or other partner forced you to have sex by threatening, holding you down or harming you in any way?
Set of items1 detected
14Violence against women in El Salvador: population study (Violencia contra las Mujeres en El Salvador : estudio poblacional)2014El SalvadorLower middle incomeNot clearTri-stage probability samplingWomen between 15 and 64 years oldGeneral mental health problemsMental healthe) Does he/she sleep poorly?
d) Does he/she scare easily?
In the last four weeks?
e) Do your hands shake?
t) Do you feel nervous, tense or worried?
g) Do you suffer from poor digestion? (everything is upsetting to your stomach)
h) Do you have trouble thinking clearly?
In the last four weeks?
i) Do you feel sad?
j) Do you cry more than usual?
k) Do you find it difficult to enjoy your daily activities?
1) Do you find it difficult to make decisions?
In the last four weeks:
m) Do you find it difficult to do your daily work?
n) Do you feel incapable of playing a useful role in life?
o) Have you lost interest in things?
p) Do you feel that you are a useless (worthless) person?
In the last four weeks:
q) Have you had the thought of ending your life?
r) Do you feel tired all the time?
s) Do you have unpleasant discomfort in your stomach?
t) Do you get tired easily? - Have you ever thought about taking your own life? Have you ever smoked in your life? How often do you drink alcohol?
Set of items1 detected
15National Survey on Quality of Life in Older Adults (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida en Adultos Mayores)2020ChileHigh incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingOlder adultsDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionNot availableUnclear1 detectedNot detected
16National Study on Prevention and Use of Drugs in Secondary School Students (Estudio Nacional sobre Prevención y Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Secundaria)2017PeruUpper middle incomeNot clearBi-stage stratified probability samplingAdolescents at the secondary levelSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detectedNot detected
16National Study on Prevention and Use of Drugs in Secondary School Students (Estudio Nacional sobre Prevención y Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Secundaria)2017PeruUpper middle incomeNot clearBi-stage stratified probability samplingAdolescents at the secondary levelSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detectedNot detected
16National Study on Prevention and Use of Drugs in Secondary School Students (Estudio Nacional sobre Prevención y Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Secundaria)2017PeruUpper middle incomeNot clearBi-stage stratified probability samplingAdolescents at the secondary levelSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1- detectedNot detected
16National Study on Prevention and Use of Drugs in Secondary School Students (Estudio Nacional sobre Prevención y Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Secundaria)2017PeruUpper middle incomeNot clearBi-stage stratified probability samplingAdolescents at the secondary levelPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthFamily integrationNot availableUnclear1- detectedNot detected
17National Censuses 2017: XII of Population, VII of Housing and III of Indigenous Communities (Censos Nacionales 2017: XII de Población, VII de Vivienda y III de Comunidades Indígenas)2017PeruUpper middle incomeEvery 10 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthPsychological and/or physical disabilityNot availableUnclear2-
18National Women's Health Survey for Trinidad and Tobago (Encuesta Nacional de Salud de la Mujer de Trinidad y Tobago)2017Trinidad and TobagoHigh incomeNot clearBi-stage stratified probability samplingOnly adult women between 30-59 years oldViolenceSexual and intimate partner violenceDoes your current or most recent husband/partner generally do any of the following?
a. Prohibits you from getting a job, going to work, trading, earning money or participating in income generation projects?
b. Takes your earnings from you against your will?
c. Refuses to give you money you needed for household expenses even when he has money for other things (such as alcohol and cigarettes)
a. Insulted you or made you feel bad about yourself?
b. Belittled or humiliated you in front of other people?
c. Done things to scare or intimidate you on purpose (e.g. by the way he looked at you, by yelling and smashing things)?
d. Verbally threatened to hurt you or someone you care about?
Did your current partner or any other partner ever force you to have sexual intercourse when you did not want to, for example by threatening you or holding you down
Set of items1
18National Women's Health Survey for Trinidad and Tobago (Encuesta Nacional de Salud de la Mujer de Trinidad y Tobago)2017Trinidad and TobagoHigh incomeNot clearBi-stage stratified probability samplingOnly adult women between 30-59 years oldViolenceChild sexual abuse and violenceAs far as you know, was your (most recent) husband/partner himself hit or beaten regularly by someone in his family, when he was a child? For any of these incidents, were your children present or did they overhear you being beaten? During your whole life, including when you were a child has any male person except any husband/ male partner ever forced you into sexual intercourse when you did not want to, for example by threatening you, holding you down, or putting you in a situation where you could not say no. Remember to include people you have known, as well as strangers.Set of items1
19Uruguay National Prevalence Survey on Violence Based on Gender and Generations (Uruguay Encuesta Nacional de Prevalencia de Violencia Basada en Género y Generaciones)2013UruguayHigh incomeNot clearTri-stage probability samplingAdult females from 15 years and olderViolenceSexual and intimate partner violenceThroughout her life as a student, any authority of the educational center, administrative personnel or fellow student ....
a) Ignored, offended, belittled, belittled, underestimated or denigrated you because you were a woman?
b) Made sexual advances or propositions to you in exchange for better grades or grades?
c) Retaliated against you for having refused to comply with his demands?
d) Touched your body without your knowledge?
e) Forced you to have sex or to have sex in exchange for money or other benefits?
Since the relationship with your partner, spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend began, has he/she...?
a) used rude or aggressive words that made you feel bad?
b) Made fun of you or criticized you for your physical characteristics, your knowledge, your way of thinking, acting and feeling and/or criticized you for what you do or do not do?
c) Humiliated, embarrassed, or belittled you
d) Jealousy or accused her of being unfaithful in an unfounded manner
e) Ignored you and/or disregarded you in his or her decisions
f) Followed her, watched her or searched her things or personal items
g) Prohibited or prevented her from interacting with friends and/or family members
h) Locked her in or prevented her from leaving the house
i) Made her feel afraid or broke a personal object
Set of items1Yes: detected
20Costa Rica National Survey of Drug Use in Secondary Students (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Secundaria de Costa Rica)2012Costa RicaUpper middle incomeNot clearCluster probability samplingAdolescentsSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1-
20Costa Rica National Survey of Drug Use in Secondary Students (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Secundaria de Costa Rica)2012Costa RicaUpper middle incomeNot clearCluster probability samplingAdolescentsGeneral mental health problemsMental healthNot availableUnclear1-
21Health, Well-being and Aging Survey (Encuesta de salud, bienestar y envejecimiento)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsGeneral mental health problemsMental stateNot availableUnclear1
21Health, Well-being and Aging Survey (Encuesta de salud, bienestar y envejecimiento)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionNot availableUnclear1
22III Andean Epidemiological Study on Drug Use in the University Population of Colombia (III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Colombia)2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingUniversity studentsSubstance useAlcohol consumptionHave you ever consumed alcohol in your life?
When was the first time you consumed alcohol?
Have you consumed alcohol in the last 12 months?
How old were you when you first consumed alcohol?
How old were you when you first consumed alcohol?
Have you ever injected alcohol in your life?
How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?
How many drinks do you usually have on the days you drink alcohol?
Have you or anyone else ever been physically injured because you had been drinking alcohol?
Have any family members, friends, doctors, or other health professionals shown concern about your drinking or suggested that you stop drinking?
During the past 12 months Have you driven a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol?
Thinking back over the past 12 months Have you ever combined your alcohol consumption with energy drinks?
Have you consumed alcohol in the past 30 days?
Set of items1- detected
22III Andean Epidemiological Study on Drug Use in the University Population of Colombia (III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Colombia)2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingUniversity studentsSubstance useTobacco consumptionHave you ever smoked cigarettes or other tobacco in your life?
When was the first time you smoked cigarettes or other tobacco?
Have you smoked cigarettes or other tobacco in the last 12 months?
How many days did you smoke cigarettes or other tobacco in the last 30 days?
For how many years have you smoked daily?
How old were you when you first smoked cigarettes or other tobacco?
Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your lifetime?
Have you smoked cigarettes or other tobacco in the last 30 days?
Approximately how many cigarettes or other tobacco have you smoked per day in the past 30 days?
Have you ever smoked electronic cigarettes in your life?
Set of items1- detected
22III Andean Epidemiological Study on Drug Use in the University Population of Colombia (III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Colombia)2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingUniversity studentsSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesHave you seen students using the following drugs in your school setting?
Do you have family members who use drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or others?
Have you ever had the opportunity to try any drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or other illicit substances?
If you had the opportunity would you try any drug such as marijuana, cocaine or other illicit substance?
Do you have friends who use illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or other illicit substances?
Do you have friends who use illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or others?
Do you think you will use any illicit drugs in the near future?
Have you ever been offered any drug, either to try or to buy, such as marijuana, cocaine, cocaine base paste, ecstasy, amphetamine-type stimulants, or any other illicit substance?
Set of items1- detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of Tranquilizers and stimulants without medical prescriptionNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of marijuanaNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useCocaine useNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of basucoNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of ecstasyNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of glues, solvents and paintsNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance useConsumption of LSDNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
23National Study of Psychoactive Substance Use in Colombian School Population (Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar Colombiana )2016ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingSchool population of Colombia, between 12 and 18 years of age.Substance usePerceived risk of drug useNot availableUnclear1 detectadoNot detected
24National Survey of Quality of Life and Health (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida y Salud)2016ChileHigh incomeNot clearComplex sample design (multistage, geographically stratified and probabilistic at all stages).Population 15 years of age and older, usually residing in private occupied housing located in urban and rural areas of the 15 regions of Chile.Quality Of LifePsychological well-beingQ3_2 Taking the whole picture, would you say you are: Very happy, fairly happy, not very happy, not happy at all?
Q3_3_D You have to give a score from 1 to 7:With your mental or emotional well-being Q3_7_D How much have you experienced certain events in the last two weeks: To what extent do you feel that your life has meaning?
Q3_15_D In the last 6 months, have you regularly taken medication to: Reduce anxiety, nervousness (anxiolytics).
Q3_15_E In the last 6 months, have you regularly taken medicine to: Boost morale or mood (antidepressants).
Among others to measure whether you have a psychiatric illness.
Set of items1
24National Survey of Quality of Life and Health (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida y Salud)2016ChileHigh incomeNot clearComplex sample design (multistage, geographically stratified and probabilistic at all stages).Population 15 years of age and older, usually residing in private occupied housing located in urban and rural areas of the 15 regions of Chile.Depression, anxiety and stressPrevalence of Dx and treatment of epilepsy, anxiety, depression or other mental health disorders.¿Un médico le ha diagnosticado alguna de los siguientes problemas de salud o enfermedades? P5_2_H_1 Epilepsia P5_2_I_1 Depresión o ansiedad P5_2_J_1 Otros trastornos de salud mental ¿Ha recibido tratamiento para alguna de los siguientes problemas de salud o enfermedades? P5_2_H_2 Epilepsia P5_2_I_2 Depresión o ansiedad P5_2_J_2 Otros trastornos de salud mentalSet of items1
24National Survey of Quality of Life and Health (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida y Salud)2016ChileHigh incomeNot clearComplex sample design (multistage, geographically stratified and probabilistic at all stages).Population 15 years of age and older, usually residing in private occupied housing located in urban and rural areas of the 15 regions of Chile.Substance useTobacco consumptionEn su hogar, ¿Está Ud. Expuesto al humo de cigarrillo? En su lugar de trabajo o estudio ¿Está expuesto al humo de cigarrillo? Durante el último mes ¿ha fumado usted cigarrillos? Sólo a quienes fumaron en el último mes ¿Usted, desearía dejar de fumar?Set of items1
24National Survey of Quality of Life and Health (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida y Salud)2016ChileHigh incomeNot clearComplex sample design (multistage, geographically stratified and probabilistic at all stages).Population 15 years of age and older, usually residing in private occupied housing located in urban and rural areas of the 15 regions of Chile.Substance useAlcohol consumption¿Qué tan seguido toma Ud. alguna bebida alcohólica?
¿Cuántos TRAGOS suele tomar en un día típico de consumo de alcohol?
¿Cuántos tragos suele tomar usted en un día típico de consumo de alcohol?- Número
¿Qué tan seguido toma usted 3 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
¿Qué tan seguido toma usted 4 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
¿Qué tan seguido toma usted 5 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
¿Qué tan seguido toma usted 6 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted no pudo parar de beber una vez que había empezado?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, su consumo de alcohol alteró el desempeño de sus actividades normales?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted necesitó beber en la mañana para recuperarse de haber bebido mucho el día anterior?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted tuvo remordimientos o sentimientos de culpa después de haber bebido?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted no fue capaz de recordar lo que sucedió la noche anterior porque había estado bebiendo?
¿Usted o alguna otra persona ha resultado físicamente herida debido a que usted había bebido alcohol?
¿Algún familiar, amigo, médico u otro profesional de la salud ha mostrado preocupación por la forma en que usted consume bebidas alcohólicas o le ha sugerido que deje de beber?
Set of items1
25XIII National Study of Drugs in the General Population of Chile (XIII Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población General de Chile)2018ChileHigh incomeBianualStratified probability samplingPersons between 12 and 65 years of age in selected householdsSubstance useTobacco consumption¿Ha fumado Ud. cigarrillos alguna vez en su vida?
¿Cuándo fue la primera vez que Ud. fumó cigarrillos?
¿Qué edad tenía cuando fumó cigarrillos por primera vez?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que fumó cigarrillos?
Piense solamente en los últimos 30 días, ¿cuántos días ha fumado cigarrillos?
¿Más o menos cuántos cigarrillos diarios ha fumado Ud. en estos últimos 30 días?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasa desde que se despierta hasta que se fuma su primer cigarrillo?
¿Cuánto gastó Ud. en tabaco durante los últimos 30 días?
Durante los últimos 12 meses, ¿ha tratado de dejar de fumar?
¿Ud. conoce o ha escuchado hablar de los cigarrillos electrónicos (“e-cigarettes”, vaporizadores o aparatos electrónicos que liberan vapor en vez de humo)?
¿Ha usado Ud. cigarrillos electrónicos alguna vez en su vida?
¿Cuándo fue la primera vez que Ud. usó cigarrillos electrónicos?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usó cigarrillos electrónicos?
Piense solamente en los últimos 30 días, ¿cuántos días ha usado cigarrillos electrónicos?
Respecto a la última vez que Ud. usó cigarrillos electrónicos, ¿sabía Ud. si el dispositivo contenía nicotina?
¿Por qué razón ha usado cigarrillos electrónicos?
¿Tiene Ud. actualmente algún dispositivo de cigarrillo electrónico?
Set of items1 detectado
25XIII National Study of Drugs in the General Population of Chile (XIII Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población General de Chile)2018ChileHigh incomeBianualStratified probability samplingPersons between 12 and 65 years of age in selected householdsSubstance useAlcohol consumption¿Ha tomado Ud. alcohol (cerveza/malta, chicha, vino/champaña, o licores fuertes) alguna vez en su vida?
¿Cuándo fue la primera vez que Ud. consumió alcohol en su vida?
¿Qué edad tenía cuando consumió por primera vez alcohol? (No considere cuando le dieron a probar de niño)
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que Ud. consumió alcohol?
Pensando solamente en los últimos 30 días, ¿cuántos días del mes ha tomado algún tipo de alcohol?
Durante los últimos 30 días, ¿qué tipo de bebida alcohólica tomó con más frecuencia?
Pensando en los últimos 30 días y tomando en cuenta todos los tipos de bebidas alcohólicas:
Si es hombre: ¿Cuántas veces tomó 5 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
Si es mujer: ¿Cuántas veces tomó 4 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
Por “ocasión” nos referimos a un mismo momento, por ejemplo, en un período de dos horas
Durante los últimos 30 días, ¿cuál fue la máxima cantidad de tragos que llegó a consumir en una sola ocasión?
¿Aproximadamente cuánto gastó Ud. en alcohol durante los últimos 30 días?
Durante la última semana, ¿Ud. consumió alcohol?
¿Cuántos tragos de alcohol consumió cada día? Considerar como medida: una lata de cerveza, una copa de vino o champaña, un trago de licor o un combinado.
¿Qué tan seguido toma usted alguna bebida alcohólica?
¿Cuántos tragos suele tomar usted en un día típico de consumo de alcohol?
¿Qué tan seguido toma usted 6 o más tragos en una sola ocasión?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted no pudo parar de beber una vez que había empezado?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, su consumo de alcohol alteró el desempeño de sus actividades normales?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted necesitó beber en la mañana para recuperarse de haber bebido mucho el día anterior?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted tuvo remordimientos o sentimientos de culpa después de haber bebido?
¿Qué tan seguido, en el curso de los últimos 12 meses, usted no fue capaz de recordar lo que sucedió la noche anterior porque había estado bebiendo?
¿Usted o alguna otra persona ha resultado físicamente herida debido a que usted había bebido alcohol?
¿Algún familiar, amigo, médico u otro profesional de la salud ha mostrado preocupación por la forma en que usted consume bebidas alcohólicas o le ha sugerido que deje de beber?
Pensando en los últimos 30 días, ¿ha comprado alcohol en alguno de los siguientes lugares?
Durante los últimos 30 días, ¿ha comprado alcohol en alguno de los siguientes lugares?
¿Ha dejado de cumplir sus deberes en la casa, en el trabajo o donde estudia a causa del alcohol?
Como descuidar a los niños, faltar al trabajo o a clases, bajar su rendimiento en el trabajo o en el estudio, o perder el empleo
¿Ha puesto en peligro su integridad física a causa del consumo recurrente de alcohol?
Como por ejemplo: ha estado a punto de chocar en auto o de sufrir cualquier otra clase de accidente.
¿Ha hecho algo bajo los efectos del alcohol que pudiera causarle problemas con la autoridad pública o con la ley?
Como conducir vehículos en ese estado, rayar paredes, destruir equipamiento público, molestar a los vecinos, robar o algo parecido.
¿Ha tenido algún problema o han aumentado los problemas con su familia o amigos a causa de su consumo de alcohol?
Set of items1 detectado
25XIII National Study of Drugs in the General Population of Chile (XIII Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población General de Chile)2018ChileHigh incomeBianualStratified probability samplingPersons between 12 and 65 years of age in selected householdsSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesHave you used cocaine base paste even though you intended not to?
Have you ended up using cocaine base paste in larger quantities than you thought you would?
Have you stopped or suspended social, work or recreational activities because of your use of cocaine base paste?
Have you spent more time than before getting and using cocaine base paste, or spent more time recovering from its effects?
Have you continued to use cocaine base paste even though it causes physical, emotional or nervous health problems?
Have you failed to fulfill your duties at home, at work or at school because of cocaine paste? Have you endangered your physical integrity because of your recurrent use of cocaine paste? Have you done anything under the influence of cocaine paste that could get you in trouble with public authorities or the law?
Have you had any problems or increased problems with your family or friends because of your use of cocaine paste? Have you ever tried cocaine in your life? When was the first time you used cocaine in your life? How old were you when you tried cocaine for the first time? When was the last time you used cocaine?
Thinking only about the last 30 days, how many days of the month have you used cocaine? How many grams of cocaine do you use per month? How much did you spend on cocaine during the last 30 days?
To the best of your knowledge, how much does a gram of cocaine cost? Did you use cocaine to eliminate or prevent problems like these from occurring? Have these problems occurred when you stopped or decreased your cocaine use?
Have you felt such a strong desire to use cocaine that you could not resist or think of anything else? Have you noticed that to get the same effect with cocaine you have used more than before? Have you noticed that the same amount of cocaine has less effect on you than before? Have you used cocaine even though you intended not to? Have you ended up using cocaine in larger amounts than you thought? Have you stopped or stopped doing social, work, or recreational activities because of cocaine use?
Have you spent more time than before getting and using cocaine, or spending more time recovering from its effects? Have you continued to use cocaine even though it causes physical, emotional or nervous health problems? Have you stopped doing your homework, work or schoolwork because of cocaine?
Have you endangered your physical integrity because of recurrent cocaine use? Have you done anything under the effects of cocaine that could cause you problems with public authorities or the law?
Have you had any problems or have problems increased with your family or friends because of your cocaine use?
Have you ever tried marijuana in your life? When was the first time you used marijuana in your life? How old were you when you first tried marijuana? When was the last time you used marijuana?
Thinking only about the last 30 days, how many days of the month have you used marijuana? How many marijuana cigarettes do you use per month? Do you know the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) content of the marijuana you usually use? If so, what is it? How much did you spend on marijuana during the last 30 days?
To the best of your knowledge, how much does a marijuana cigarette cost? What type of marijuana did you use most often? How did you most frequently obtain the marijuana you used in the past 12 months? Did you use marijuana to eliminate or prevent problems like these from occurring? Have you ever had these problems when you stopped or cut back on marijuana use? Have you ever felt such a strong desire to use marijuana that you could not resist or think of anything else?
Have you noticed that you have used more marijuana to get the same effect than before? Have you noticed that the same amount of marijuana has less effect on you than before? Have you used marijuana even though you intended not to? Have you ended up using marijuana in larger amounts than you thought you would? Have you stopped or suspended social, work, or recreational activities because of marijuana use?
Have you spent more time than before getting and using marijuana, or spending more time recovering from its effects?
Have you continued to use marijuana even though it causes physical, emotional, or nervous health problems?
Have you stopped doing your duties at home, work, or school because of marijuana? Have you endangered your physical safety because of repeated marijuana use?
Have you done anything under the influence of marijuana that could get you in trouble with law enforcement or the law?
Have you had any problems or increased problems with your family or friends because of your marijuana use?
Think about the past 12 months, have you used marijuana by any route other than smoking?
Thinking about the last 12 months, have you used marijuana by any of the following routes (cigarettes, pipes or bongs)? Have you ever tried cocaine paste in your life? When was the first time you used cocaine paste in your life? How old were you when you tried cocaine paste for the first time? When was the last time you used cocaine paste?
Thinking only about the last 30 days, how many days of the month have you consumed cocaine base paste? How many rolls of cocaine base paste do you consume per month? How much did you spend on cocaine base paste during the last 30 days?
To the best of your knowledge, how much does one roll of cocaine paste cost?
Have you used cocaine base paste to eliminate or to prevent problems like these from occurring? Have you experienced these problems when you stopped or decreased your use of cocaine base paste? Have you felt such a strong desire to use cocaine base paste that you could not resist or think of anything else? Have you noticed that to obtain the same effect with cocaine base paste you have used more than before? Have you noticed that the same amount of cocaine base paste has less effect on you than before?
Set of items1 detectado
25XIII National Study of Drugs in the General Population of Chile (XIII Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población General de Chile)2018ChileHigh incomeBianualStratified probability samplingPersons between 12 and 65 years of age in selected householdsSubstance useUse of tranquilizers and painkillers without a prescriptionHave you ever tried any of the following over-the-counter tranquilizers in your life? How old were you when you first tried (NAME OF TRANQUILLIZANT) over-the-counter? When was the last time you used (NAME OF TRANQUILLIZANT) over-the-counter?
Think about the last time you used over-the-counter tranquilizers, how did you get them?
Think about the last time you used over-the-counter tranquilizers, why did you use these drugs? Have you ever tried any of the following over-the-counter pain relievers in your life? How old were you when you tried (NAME OF ANALGESIC) over-the-counter for the first time? When was the last time you used (NAME OF ANALGESIC) over-the-counter?
Think about the last time you used over-the-counter pain relievers, how did you get them?
Think about the last time you took over-the-counter pain relievers, why did you take these drugs?
Set of items1 detectado
25XIII National Study of Drugs in the General Population of Chile (XIII Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población General de Chile)2018ChileHigh incomeBianualStratified probability samplingPersons between 12 and 65 years of age in selected householdsSubstance usePerceived risk of drug useWhat do you think is the risk for a person who does any of these things? a. Smokes one or more packs of cigarettes per day? b. Has three or more drinks per occasion
c. Has five or more drinks per day
d. Tries marijuana once or twice (experimental use)
e. Smokes marijuana frequently
f. Tries cocaine once or twice (experimental use)
g. Frequently uses cocaine
h. Tries cocaine paste once or twice (experimental use)
i. Frequently uses cocaine base paste
j. Tries ecstasy once or twice (experimental use)
k. Frequently uses ecstasy
Set of items1 detectado
25XIII National Study of Drugs in the General Population of Chile (XIII Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población General de Chile)2018ChileHigh incomeBianualStratified probability samplingPersons between 12 and 65 years of age in selected householdsMental health servicesTreatment to reduce or stop the use of alcohol and/or other drugsHave you ever received any kind of treatment for alcohol or other drug use in your life? During the past 12 months, have you received any kind of treatment for alcohol or other drug use? Was this treatment you received during the past 12 months for alcohol use only, drug use only, or alcohol and other drug use?
During the past 12 months, have you felt the need to get any kind of help or treatment to cut down or stop using alcohol and/or other drugs?
During the past 12 months, have you tried to get any kind of help or treatment to cut down or stop using alcohol and/or other drugs? For what reason or reason did you not try to get help or treatment?
Set of items1 detectado
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Neurocognitive and neurologicalCognitve evaluationNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Quality Of LifeQuality Of LifeHow do you feel about your life in general (your work, family, well-being, health, love)? cd7. Now I would like to ask you about distress or depression, would you say that ...?Single item1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Depression, anxiety and stressDepressive symptomatologyNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Substance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Depression, anxiety and stressDepressionNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Depression, anxiety and stressManiaNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Depression, anxiety and stressSocial phobiaNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Depression, anxiety and stressAgoraphobiaNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Suicidal behaviourSuicideNot availableUnclear1- detected
26National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud)2017ChileHigh incomeEvery 6 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons 15 years of age and older.Substance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationQuality Of LifeSelf-perception, subjective wellbeing, quality of relationshipsNot availableUnclear1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthSupports, confidence, security, participation, participation, discriminationQuestionnaire based on the ENSPsychometric Scale2- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthStress-generating life eventsNot availableUnclear1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthAssessment of family functioningPsychometric test APGAR familiarPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationViolenceAttitudes and experiences on violence, including intra-family violence,Questionnaire based on the ENS and othersPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionPsychometric test AUDIT C y AUDITPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesThe Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST)Psychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationOther mental disordersEating behaviorQuestionnaire based on EAT-BULITPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionPsychometric test DISC PPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressAnxietyPsychometric test DISC PPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationNeurocognitive and neurologicalAttention deficit with hyperactivity disorderPsychometric test DISC PPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
27National Mental Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental)2015ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationOther mental disordersPersonality assessmentCIDI-CAPI Psychometric TestPsychometric Scale1- detectadoNot detected
28Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (Encuesta de Jamaica sobre Condiciones de Vida)2018JamaicaUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumption"Do you/does (NAME) smoke any of following products?"
A. Cigarettes (Do not include electronic cigarettes)
B. Ganja/ Marijuana
C. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes, Njoy etc.)
D. Hookahs (water pipes)
E. Cigars
F . others..
Single item2- detectedNot detected
29National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships (Encuesta Nacional sobre la Dinámica de las Relaciones en el Hogar)2016MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingwomen 15 years and olderViolenceSexual and intimate partner violenceNot availableUnclear1- detected
29National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships (Encuesta Nacional sobre la Dinámica de las Relaciones en el Hogar)2016MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingwomen 15 years and olderViolenceFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).Not availableUnclear1-
30Mexico National Survey of Drug Use Among Students (México Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes)2014MexicoUpper middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingStudents (5th and 6th grade of elementary school, middle school) and high schoolSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detected
30Mexico National Survey of Drug Use Among Students (México Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes)2014MexicoUpper middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingStudents (5th and 6th grade of elementary school, middle school) and high schoolSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1-
30Mexico National Survey of Drug Use Among Students (México Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes)2014MexicoUpper middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingStudents (5th and 6th grade of elementary school, middle school) and high schoolSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1-
31 COVID-19 Rapid Response Survey (Encuesta De Respuesta Rápida COVID-19)2020EcuadorUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingAdolescentsGeneral mental health problemsMental healthNot availableUnclear1
32Surveillance of Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Interview (Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedades Crónicas por Entrevista Telefónica)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthRisk and protective factors for chronic non-communicable diseasesNot availableUnclear1 detectedSi:
334° Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo (4th National Survey of Risk Factors)2019ArgentinaUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthRisk factors, processes of care in the health system and prevalence of the main NCDsNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
34 National Survey on the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in the General Population (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población General)2019ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPopulation from 12 to 65 years old.Substance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1
34 National Survey on the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in the General Population (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población General)2019ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPopulation from 12 to 65 years old.Substance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1
34 National Survey on the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in the General Population (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población General)2019ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPopulation from 12 to 65 years old.Substance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesViolenceBullyingNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesViolenceViolence in prisonNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesSuicidal behaviourSuicide and self-harmNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesViolenceAbuseNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesMental health servicesPsychiatric care and assistance (Mental Health)Not availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesViolenceAbandonment and neglect by parentsNot availableUnclear2-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
35Her Majesty's Cayman Islands Prison Services Survey (Encuesta sobre los servicios penitenciarios de las Islas Caiman de su majestad)2015Cayman Island High incomeNot clearThere was not sampling design, they used the entire populationInmatesSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1-Yes: detected
36National Survey of Children and Women (Encuesta Nacional de Niños, Niñas y Mujeres)2015MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingchildren and womenDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionNot availableUnclear1-
36National Survey of Children and Women (Encuesta Nacional de Niños, Niñas y Mujeres)2015MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingchildren and womenViolenceDomestic violence, intimate partner violence and child disciplineAdults use a variety of ways to teach children how to behave or to respond to a behavior problem. I am going to read you several ways that are used and I would like you to tell me if you or anyone else in the household has used any of these ways with (name) in the last month. 1. Taken away permissions, forbidden something that (name) likes, or not let him/her leave the house.
2. Explained to (name) why his/her behavior was wrong.
3. Shaken or shook (name).
4. You were yelled at.
5. Gave him/her something else to do.
6. Spanked or slapped you on the bottom with only your hand.
7. You were hit on the buttocks or another part of the body with an object such as a belt, hairbrush, flip-flop, stick or other hard object.
8. Called you dumb, lazy, or something else like that.
9. You were hit with a hand in the face, on the head or ears.
10. You were hit with a hand on your arm, leg or hand. 11.
11. They beat you up, that is, they hit you over and over again as hard as they could.
Do you think that in order to properly raise or educate a child, he or she should be physically punished?
Set of items2-
37Needs Assessment of the USVI's ECE Mixed-Delivery System (Evaluación de necesidades del sistema de entrega mixta ECE de las Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses)2020Virgin IslandsHigh incomeNot clearProbability sampling proportional to size (refers to small groups).parents (residents with children)Psychosocial factors that affect mental healthAssessment of children's socio-emotional developmentPsychometric test ASQ: SEPsychometric Scale1-Yes: detectedNot detected
38National Household Survey (Encuesta Nacional de los Hogares)2017MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionNot availableUnclear1
38National Household Survey (Encuesta Nacional de los Hogares)2017MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressAnxietyNot availableUnclear1
39National Survey of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Consumptiono (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco)2017MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1
39National Survey of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Consumptiono (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco)2017MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1
39National Survey of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Consumptiono (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco)2017MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1
40Bolivia Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud de Bolivia)2020BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear2 detectedNot detected
40Bolivia Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud de Bolivia)2020BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationViolenceSexual violenceNot availableUnclear2 detectedNot detected
40Bolivia Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud de Bolivia)2020BoliviaLower middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear2 detectedNot detected
41Retrospective Demographic Survey (Encuesta Demográfica Retrospectiva)2017MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingpopulation from 20 to 54 years oldPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthDisabilityNot availableUnclear2
42National Survey of Quality of Life (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida)2020ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearprobability, multistage, stratified, clustered and stratified sampleGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1-
42National Survey of Quality of Life (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida)2020ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearprobability, multistage, stratified, clustered and stratified sampleGeneral populationViolenceChild labor (Child violence)Not availableUnclear2-
42National Survey of Quality of Life (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida)2020ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearprobability, multistage, stratified, clustered and stratified sampleGeneral populationQuality Of LifeLevel of satisfaction with lifeIn general, how satisfied do you feel... with your life now?Single item1-
42National Survey of Quality of Life (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida)2020ColombiaUpper middle incomeNot clearprobability, multistage, stratified, clustered and stratified sampleGeneral populationQuality Of LifeHealth satisfactionIn general, how satisfied do you feel... with your current health?Single item1-
43Brazil National Survey of Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeEvery 5 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationViolenceFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).Not availableUnclear1
43Brazil National Survey of Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde)2019BrasilUpper middle incomeEvery 5 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthSocial supportNot availableUnclear1
44Brazil National Alcohol and Drugs Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Alcohol y Drogas de Brasil)2012BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1 detected
44Brazil National Alcohol and Drugs Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Alcohol y Drogas de Brasil)2012BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1 detected
44Brazil National Alcohol and Drugs Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Alcohol y Drogas de Brasil)2012BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearStratified probability samplingGeneral populationSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesNot availableUnclear1 detected
45National Drug Use Prevalence Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Prevalencia del Consumo de Drogas)2016JamaicaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionAUDIT psychometric testPsychometric Scale1- detected
45National Drug Use Prevalence Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Prevalencia del Consumo de Drogas)2016JamaicaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesPsychometric Test Cannabis Use Screening TestPsychometric Scale1- detected
45National Drug Use Prevalence Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Prevalencia del Consumo de Drogas)2016JamaicaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detected
45National Drug Use Prevalence Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Prevalencia del Consumo de Drogas)2016JamaicaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detected
45National Drug Use Prevalence Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Prevalencia del Consumo de Drogas)2016JamaicaUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionNot availableUnclear1- detected
46National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionThese questions refer to how you have felt during the past week. For each question please tell me if the majority of the time... You felt depressed?
You felt that everything you did was an effort? You felt your sleep was restless?
You felt happy?
You felt lonely?
You felt that you enjoyed life?
You felt sad?
You felt tired?
You felt you had a lot of energy?
In the last 2 years, have you ever felt sad, blue, or depressed for more than two weeks in a row? Yes / No On average during the last two years, have you exercised or done hard physical work three or more times per weeks in a row? Yes / No
Set of items1,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.
46National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsOther mental disordersPersonality desordersNow, I'm going to read six statements on lifestyle. Respond openly and honestly. Please tell me how well they describe you: a lot, some, little, or not at all.
I am organized. For example, in my house everything has its own place.
I am responsible. I usually meet my duties as best as I can.
I am dedicated/hardworking. I strive to do more than is expected of me.
I'm careless. I often hasten to act without thinking of the consequences.
I'm thorough. That is, I tend to do things with attention to detail.
I am disciplined. I usually try to do what I think should be done.
Set of items1,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.
46National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsQuality Of LifeLevel of satisfaction with lifeHere are five statements with which you may or may not agree. Please tell me what you think in each case. Respond openly and honestly.
In most things, my life is close to my ideal.
The conditions of my life are excellent.
I am satisfied with my life.
So far, I have gotten the things that are important to me in life.
If born again, I would change almost nothing about my life.
Set of items1,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.
46National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsNeurocognitive and neurologicalCognitive exercisesNot availableUnclear1,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.
46National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsNeurocognitive and neurologicalCognitive stateNot availableUnclear1,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.
46National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingOlder adultsNeurocognitive and neurologicalCognitive processingNot availableUnclear1,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.,a%C3%B1os%20y%20m%C3%A1s%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.&text=La%20encuesta%20est%C3%A1%20parcialmente%20respaldada,y%20el%20INEGI%20en%20M%C3%A9xico.
47National Midway Health and Nutrition Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de Medio Camino)2021MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic, multistage, stratified sampling.General populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionHave you smoked at least one hundred cigarettes (5 packs) of tobacco in your lifetime? Do you currently smoke?Single item2 detectedNot detected
47National Midway Health and Nutrition Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de Medio Camino)2021MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic, multistage, stratified sampling.General populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionConsidering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the last 30 days, did you have 5 or more drinks on one occasion?Single item2 detectedNot detected
48Nicaraguan Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Nicaragüense de Demografía y Salud)2012NicaraguaLower middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionDo you drink liquor, have you ever wanted to stop drinking liquor, but could not, have you ever had difficulties at work (or study) because of drinking, such as drinking liquor at work or school or skipping school, have you ever had difficulties at work (or study) because of drinking, such as drinking liquor at work or school or skipping school?
How often do you come home drunk, do you drink liquor, have you ever wanted to stop drinking liquor but could not, have you ever had difficulties at work (or school) because of your drinking, such as drinking liquor at work or school or skipping school, among others?
Single item2Not detectedYes:
48Nicaraguan Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Nicaragüense de Demografía y Salud)2012NicaraguaLower middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionDo you feel sad, do you cry a lot, have you lost interest in things?
Do you feel sad, have you had the idea of ending your life, have you lost interest in things?
Set of items2Not detectedYes:
48Nicaraguan Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Nicaragüense de Demografía y Salud)2012NicaraguaLower middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationOther mental disordersSchizophreniaDo you hear voices without knowing where they are coming from or that other people cannot hear?
Have you noticed interference or something strange in your thoughts?
Do you feel that someone has tried to hurt you in some way?
Set of items2Not detectedYes:
48Nicaraguan Demographic and Health Survey (Encuesta Nicaragüense de Demografía y Salud)2012NicaraguaLower middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationViolenceSexual and intimate partner violenceWhat are the particular situations that make/were making you violent?
Did you ever leave the house, even for just one night, because of the violence? just one night, because of violence?
Has anyone ever in your life forced or coerced you to have penetrative sex (rape) when you did not want it?
Have you ever agreed to unwanted sex out of fear of your partner? Have you ever been physically forced to have sex when you did not want to?
During the times you were physically or sexually assaulted, did you ever defend yourself? Did you ever fight back when you were physically or sexually assaulted? Did you ever hit or physically abuse your wife/partner when she did not want you to? your wife/partner when she was not hitting or physically abusing you?
or physically abusing you?
Set of items1Not detectedYes:
49National Survey on the Use of Free Time (Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo Libre)2020 - 2021ColombiaUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic, multistage, stratified clustered samplingNon-institutional civilian population residing in the entire national territory, excluding the departments of Orinoquia and Amazonia.General mental health problemsMental illnessHave you been diagnosed with any of the following diseases or health problems? Specify among the options: Mental illnesses, disorders of consciousness or behavior.Single item2 en drive en drive:
49National Survey on the Use of Free Time (Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo Libre)2020 - 2021ColombiaUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic, multistage, stratified clustered samplingNon-institutional civilian population residing in the entire national territory, excluding the departments of Orinoquia and Amazonia.Psychosocial factors that affect mental healthMental conditions to perform certain activitiesGiven your physical and mental condition, in your daily life you have difficulties to:
- Understand, learn, remember or make decisions on your own
- Relate or interact with other people (this question is regarding mental condition as there are other questions but they are oriented to physical conditions.
Single item2 en drive en drive:
49National Survey on the Use of Free Time (Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo Libre)2020 - 2021ColombiaUpper middle incomeEvery 3 yearsProbabilistic, multistage, stratified clustered samplingNon-institutional civilian population residing in the entire national territory, excluding the departments of Orinoquia and Amazonia.Psychosocial factors that affect mental healthHousehold coexistence in the context of the health emergencyWould you say that the distribution of domestic and care tasks within your household since the beginning of the health emergency/preventive isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has generated...?
- Many cohabitation problems or conflicts among family members.
- Some coexistence problems or conflicts among family members.
- It has not generated coexistence problems or conflicts among family members.
- It has improved the coexistence among the members of the household.
Single item2 en drive en drive:
50National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Demográfica)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons who are usual residents of the dwellings, migrants, as well as women aged 15 to 54 years old, with the same habitation status.Quality Of LifeDifficulty in performing activitiesDue to any birth or health problems How much difficulty do you have in... - perform your daily activities due to emotional or mental problems (with autonomy and independence)? (problems with autism, Down syndrome, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc.) - learn, remember or concentrateSingle item2
50National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Demográfica)2018MexicoUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingPersons who are usual residents of the dwellings, migrants, as well as women aged 15 to 54 years old, with the same habitation status.ViolenceUnspecified violenceWhy do I stop living in ...? - Because of public insecurity or violenceSingle item2
51Demographic and Family Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar)2020PeruUpper middle incomeNot cleartwo-stage, probabilistic, balanced, stratified and independent sample, at the departmental level and by urban and rural area.General populationViolenceFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).What was the cause of your (last) separation? Response options include: Physical, psychological or sexual violence Have you experienced physical or sexual violence?Single item1
51Demographic and Family Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar)2020PeruUpper middle incomeNot cleartwo-stage, probabilistic, balanced, stratified and independent sample, at the departmental level and by urban and rural area.General populationGeneral mental health problemsMental healthPatient Health Questionnaire-9:
In the last 14 days, that is, between _______ and yesterday, have you experienced any discomforts or problems such as: Little desire or interest in doing things? Trouble sleeping or staying asleep, or sleeping too much? Feeling tired or having little energy for no good reason?
Psychometric Scale1
51Demographic and Family Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar)2020PeruUpper middle incomeNot cleartwo-stage, probabilistic, balanced, stratified and independent sample, at the departmental level and by urban and rural area.General populationGeneral mental health problemsMental health in childrenDo you have the confidence to tell a teacher at your school? In the last 30 days, that is, from .... (NAME) attended school or college? During this year, did (NAME) ever not want to go to your school or college for fear of being beaten up?Single item1
52National Household Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Hogares)2021PeruUpper middle incomeContinuously, beginning in May 2003Probabilistic area-based, stratified, multistage and independent in each study department.General populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionIN THE LAST 15 DAYS, FROM ............. TO ............... , DID YOU AND/OR ANY MEMBER OF THIS HOUSEHOLD OBTAIN, CONSUME, BUY OR GIVE AS A GIFT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO BE CONSUMED AT HOME?
Single item2
52National Household Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Hogares)2021PeruUpper middle incomeContinuously, beginning in May 2003Probabilistic area-based, stratified, multistage and independent in each study department.General populationQuality Of LifeLimitations by thoughts, feelings, emotions or behaviors -Interpersonal relationshipsDO YOU HAVE PERMANENTLY LIMITED IN YOUR ABILITY TO:
Relate to others, because of your thoughts, feelings, emotions or behaviors?
Single item2
53Continuous Household Survey (Encuesta Continua de Hogares)2021UruguayHigh incomeMonthly, quarterly, semiannual and annualStaggered, stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionDo you currently smoke any smoked tobacco products?
- Yes, daily
- Yes, some days
- Do not smoke because you quit less than one year ago
- Do not smoke because you quit more than one year ago
- Never smoked
Single item2Not detected
54National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (Encuesta Nacional de Acceso, Uso y Promoción del Uso Racional de Medicamentos)2015BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stepwise samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressDepressionHas a doctor ever told you that you have depression? Do you have a medical indication to use
medicine for depression?
Single item1 detected
54National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (Encuesta Nacional de Acceso, Uso y Promoción del Uso Racional de Medicamentos)2015BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stepwise samplingGeneral populationSubstance useTobacco consumptionDo you smoke? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Have you ever smoked regularly?Single item1 detected
54National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (Encuesta Nacional de Acceso, Uso y Promoción del Uso Racional de Medicamentos)2015BrasilUpper middle incomeNot clearProbabilistic stepwise samplingGeneral populationSubstance useAlcohol consumptionHow often do you usually consume alcoholic beverages? drink?
How many days a week do you usually drink?
any alcoholic beverage?
Set of items2 detected
55National Survey on Drug Use in High School Students (Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en estudiantes de enseñanza media)2020UruguayHigh incomeNot clearProbability sampling by clusters, two-stage and stratified.AdolescentsSubstance useAlcohol consumptionHave you ever drunk alcoholic beverages in your life? (a few sips are sufficient)
How old were you when you first consumed alcoholic beverages? (even if only a few drinks)
Have you had an alcoholic drink in the last 12 months?
Set of items1 detected
55National Survey on Drug Use in High School Students (Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en estudiantes de enseñanza media)2020UruguayHigh incomeNot clearProbability sampling by clusters, two-stage and stratified.AdolescentsSubstance useTobacco consumptionHave you ever smoked cigarettes in your life?
How old were you when you first smoked cigarettes?
Have you smoked cigarettes in the last 12 months?
Set of items1 detected
55National Survey on Drug Use in High School Students (Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en estudiantes de enseñanza media)2020UruguayHigh incomeNot clearProbability sampling by clusters, two-stage and stratified.AdolescentsSubstance useConsumption of psychoactivesHave you ever used any of these substances in your life? Marijuana Cocaine EcstasySingle item1 detected
56National Survey of User Satisfaction in Health (Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción de Usuarios en Salud)2015PeruUpper middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationMental health servicesQuality of serviceDID THE DOCTOR EXPLAIN TO YOU IN SIMPLE WORDS ABOUT: 1 THE TREATMENT YOU WILL RECEIVE? IN SIMPLE WORDS ABOUT: 1 The treatment you will receive? 2 The type of medication? 3 The form of administration? 4 The dosage (amount) of the medication? 5 The adverse effects of the medication?Set of items1Si: detected
56National Survey of User Satisfaction in Health (Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción de Usuarios en Salud)2015PeruUpper middle incomeAnuallyProbabilistic stratified and cluster samplingGeneral populationDepression, anxiety and stressPerceived stressIn the last month, how often have you been affected by something that happened unexpectedly?
In the last month, how often have you felt unable to control the important things in your life?
In the last month, how often have you felt nervous or stressed?
Set of items1Si: detected

International surveys

International survey
Countries applied
Sample design
Mental health variable
Instruments & items
Type of measurement
Survey link or URL
1International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV: (Swiss Center of Expertise in the Social Sciences)2016AnuallyArgentina, Chile, Mexico and VenezuelaStratified probability samplingGeneral populationLevel of satisfaction with lifeQuality Of Life If you were to consider your life in general, how happy or unhappy would you say you are, on the whole?
All things considered, how satisfied are you with your (main) job?
All things considered, how satisfied are you with your family life?
Set of items
2 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-20Not clearArgentina, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Guyana, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, Turks and Caicos Islands, Saint Lucia, Suriname and UruguayCluster probability samplingGeneral populationTobacco consumptionSubstance useHave you ever tried smoking cigarettes, even one or two puffs? Do you currently smoke cigarettes?
In the last month, how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
Psychometric scale (in the manual this information should be reported, in case it is not mentioned, only one group of items will be considered).
2 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-20Not clearArgentina, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Guyana, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, Turks and Caicos Islands, Saint Lucia, Suriname and UruguayCluster probability samplingGeneral populationLevel of satisfaction with lifeQuality Of Life Do you have (name) difficulty with self-care, for example eating or dressing yourself?Psychometric scale (in the manual this information should be reported, in case it is not mentioned, only one group of items will be considered).
2 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-20Not clearArgentina, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Guyana, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, Turks and Caicos Islands, Saint Lucia, Suriname and UruguayCluster probability samplingGeneral populationViolenceViolenceSometimes a spouse or partner is upset or gets angry at things the about things the spouse or partner does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting his wife in the following situations:
[A] If he goes out without telling her?
[B] If she neglects the children?
[C] If she argues with him?
[D] If she refuses to have sex with him?
[E] If you burn his food?
Psychometric scale (in the manual this information should be reported, in case it is not mentioned, only one group of items will be considered).
3Violence Against Children Survey 2018Not clearColombia, El Salvador, Haiti and HondurasStratified probability samplingSpecific populationSexual and intimate partner violenceViolence¿Has anyone on your household been included in the
National Victim’s Registry (RUV)?
Set of items
3Violence Against Children Survey 2018Not clearColombia, El Salvador, Haiti and HondurasStratified probability samplingSpecific populationPhysical violenceViolenceDo you believe it is acceptable for a parent or caregiver to physically punish a child when he or she misbehaves?
How many times did you see or hear a parent punch, kick, or beat your brothers or sisters? Never, once, more than one time, or I have no brothers or sisters?
Has a girlfriend/romantic partner, ex-girlfriend/romantic partner or wife ever: slapped, pushed, shoved, shook, or intentionally threw something at you to hurt you?
Set of items
3Violence Against Children Survey 2018Not clearColombia, El Salvador, Haiti and HondurasStratified probability samplingSpecific populationEmotional violenceViolenceHas a parent, adult caregiver or other adult relative ever - ridiculed you or put you down, for example said that you were stupid or useless? - said they wished you had never been born or were dead? Set of items
4Global School-Based Student Health Survey2018Not clearArgentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and UruguayCluster probability samplingSpecific populationConsumption of psychoactivesSubstance use-How old were you when you first used drugs?
-During your life, how many times have you used marijuana
- During your life, how many times have you used amphetamines or methamphetamines (also called COUNTRY SPECIFIC SLANG TERMS FOR AMPHETAMINES AND METHAMPHETAMINES)?
Set of items
4Global School-Based Student Health Survey2018Not clearArgentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and UruguayCluster probability samplingSpecific populationMental HealthGeneral mental health problems- During the past 12 months, how often have you felt lonely?
- During the past 12 months, how often have you been so worried about something that you could not sleep at night?
- During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide?
Set of items
4Global School-Based Student Health Survey2018Not clearArgentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and UruguayCluster probability samplingSpecific populationTobacco consumptionSubstance useHow old were you when you first tried a cigarette?
During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
During the past 12 months, have you ever tried to stop smoking cigarettes?
Set of items
4Global School-Based Student Health Survey2018Not clearArgentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and UruguayCluster probability samplingSpecific populationFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).Violence-During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight?
-During the past 12 months, what was the major cause of the most serious injury that happened to you?
Set of items
4Global School-Based Student Health Survey2018Not clearArgentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and UruguayCluster probability samplingSpecific populationBullyingViolence-During the past 12 months, have you ever been bullied on school property?
-During the past 12 months, have you ever been bullied when you were not on school property?
Set of items
5Latinobarometer2020Not clearArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and VenezuelaModified probability sampling (the last stage/quota was non-probability)Specific populationLevel of satisfaction with lifeQuality Of LifeIn general terms, would you say you are satisfied with your life?Single item
5Latinobarometer2020Not clearArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela
Modified probability sampling (the last stage/quota was non-probability)
Specific populationFamily, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).ViolenceWhich of the following types of violence is most frequent where you live?
How often do you worry that you may become a victim of violent crime?
How often have you stopped work or leisure activities for fear of becoming a victim of violent crime?
Set of items
5Latinobarometer2020Not clearArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela
Modified probability sampling (the last stage/quota was non-probability)
Specific populationFear of covidPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthIn the context of the pandemic, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "I am not at all afraid of catching the virus" and 10 is "I am very afraid of catching the virus", where would you place yourself?Single item
5Latinobarometer2020Not clearArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and VenezuelaModified probability sampling (the last stage/quota was non-probability)
Specific populationConcern about being out of work Psychosocial factors that affect mental healthHow worried would you say you are about being out of work or unemployed for the next twelve months or not having a job?Single item
6Inter-American Uniform Drug Use Data System (SIDUC) Survey of secondary school students2016Not clearAntigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and TobagoStratified probability samplingSpecific population (high school students)Alcohol consumptionSubstance use- How often do you drink some type of alcoholic beverage?
- How many drinks do you usually have on a typical alcohol-drinking day?
- How often do you take 6 or more drinks one after the other on a single occasion/outing?
Set of items
6Inter-American Uniform Drug Use Data System (SIDUC) Survey of secondary school students2016Not clearAntigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and TobagoStratified probability samplingSpecific population (high school students)Tobacco consumptionSubstance use- When was the first time you smoked?
- Have you smoked over the past 30 days?
- Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes or any other type of tobacco in your lifetime?
Set of items
6Inter-American Uniform Drug Use Data System (SIDUC) Survey of secondary school students2016Not clearAntigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and TobagoStratified probability samplingSpecific population (high school students)Consumption of psychoactivesSubstance use- Have you injected any of the following substances once in your lifetime? Alcohol , cocaine, amphetamines/Methamphetamines, Heroin Morphine, pethidine or similar, other drugs
- When was the first time you tried inhalants?
- How often have you used inhalants?
Set of items
7Program of International Student Assessement 2015Every 3 yearsArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexica, Peru, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and UruguayStratified probability samplingSpecific population (high school students)Level of satisfaction with lifeQuality Of LifeOverall, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?Single item
7Program of International Student Assessement 2015Every 3 yearsArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexica, Peru, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and UruguayStratified probability samplingSpecific population (high school students)Interpersonal relationshipsPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthOn the most recent day you attended school, did you do any of the following after leaving school?
- Meet friends or talk to friends on the phone
- Talk to your parents
Set of items
7Program of International Student Assessement 2015Every 3 yearsArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexica, Peru, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and UruguayStratified probability samplingSpecific population (high school students)BullyingViolenceIn your school, to what extent is the learning of students hindered by the following phenomena?
- Students intimidating or bullying other students
During the past 12 months, how often have you had the following experiences in school?
- I got hit or pushed around by other students
Set of items
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Family, domestic and intra-family violence (everything that is not sexual and intimate partner violence).ViolenceDid your (last) (wife/ partner) ever:
-say or do something to humiliate you in front of others?
-threaten to hurt or harm you or someone you care about?
Did your (last) (wife/ partner) ever do any of the following things to you:
-push you, shake you, or throw something at you?
-slap you?
Set of items
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Sexual and intimate partner violenceViolenceAt any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever
forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any
other sexual acts when you did not want to?
- Who was the person who was forcing you the very first time this happened?
Set of items
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Mental conditions to perform certain activitiesPsychosocial factors that affect mental healthWould you say that (NAME) has some difficulty understanding or being understood, some difficulty, a
lot of difficulty, or cannot communicate at all?
Would you say that (NAME) has some difficulty remembering or concentrating, a lot of difficulty, or cannot
remember or concentrate at all?
Single item
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Postpartum depressionDepression, anxiety and stressHave you ever had a pregnancy that ended in miscarriage abortion or stillborn?Single item
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Alcohol consumptionSubstance use- Does (did) your (last) (wife/partner) drink alcohol?
- how often does (did) he get drunk: often, only sometimes, or never?
Set of items
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Tobacco consumptionSubstance use- In the past, have you smoked tobacco every day?
- Do you currently smoke tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?
Set of items
8Demographic and Health Survey DHS 2019-20Not clearColombia, Honduras and PeruStratified probability sampling and clusteringSpecific population (women and men aged 15 - 49, 59 years)Consumption of psychoactivesSubstance useWhat drugs did (NAME) take? Any other drugs? Set of items
9STEPS survey of risk factors for noncommunicable diseases2016Not clearEcuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname and UruguayCluster probability samplingGeneral populationTobacco consumptionSubstance use- How old were you when you stopped smoking?
- How long ago did you stop smoking?
- Do you currently use smokeless tobacco products daily
-During the past 30 days, have you noticed information about the dangers of smoking cigarettes or that encourages quitting through he following media?
Set of items
9STEPS survey of risk factors for noncommunicable diseases2016Not clearEcuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname and UruguayCluster probability samplingGeneral populationAlcohol consumptionSubstance use- Have you ever consumed any alcohol such as beer, wine, spirits or Chacha, Nalivka?
- Have you consumed any alcohol with in the past 12 months?
- Have you stopped drinking due to health reasons, such as a negative impact on your health or on the advice of your doctor or other health worker?
Set of items
10Global Adult Tobacco Survey2020Not clearCosta Rica, Mexico, Panama and UruguayCluster probability samplingSpecific population (men and women 15 years of age and older)Tobacco consumptionSubstance use- Do you currently smoke tobacco on a daily basis, less than daily, or not at all?
- Have you smoked tobacco daily in the past?
- In the past, have you smoked tobacco on a daily basis, less than daily, or not at all?
Set of items
11Brazil HealthRise Household Survey2017Not clearBrazilCluster probability samplingSpecific population (adult men and women)Alcohol consumptionSubstance use- How often do you usually drink alcohol?
- How many days a week do you usually drink alcohol?
Set of items
12Global Youth Tobacco Survey2014Not clearAntigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and UruguayCluster probability sampling General populationTobacco consumptionSubstance use- During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes? Have you ever tried or experimented with cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?
- How old were you when you first tried a cigarette?
Psychometric scale (in the manual this information should be reported, in case it is not mentioned, only one group of items will be considered).
13Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies 2018Not clearChile, Ecuador, Mexico and PeruCluster probability samplingSpecific population (16 to 65 years old)General health (including physical and mental health)General mental health problemsIn general, would you say that your health is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? Can you tell me the main reason why you left your last job?Single item

If you have any updates, clarifications or comments on the list of available variables, please write to

Project Location

Lima, Peru






Francesca Ramírez-Bontá
Rafaela Vásquez-Vílchez
Milagros Cabrera-Alva
Sharlyn Otazú-Alfaro
Guillermo Almeida-Huanca
Juan Ambrosio-Melgarejo
Joel Figueroa-Quiñones
Alejandra Romero-Cabrera
Anayeli Huaman-Santa Cruz
Esthefani Chávez-Hinostroza
Melanie Rosado-Medina
Wildo Siancas-Villano
Camilo Quintana-Castro
Juan Carlos Bazo-Alvarez
David Villarreal-Zegarra

Primary affiliation

Instituto Peruano de Orientación Psicológica, Lima, Perú.


  • Villarreal-Zegarra, D., Bontá, F. R., Vilchez, R. P. V., & Soto-Becerra, P. (2021, December 17). Data available on mental health in national surveys in Latin American and Caribbean countries: A scoping review protocol.
  • Ramírez-Bontá, F., Vásquez-Vílchez, R., Cabrera-Alva, M., Otazú-Alfaro, S., Almeida-Huanca, G., Ambrosio-Melgarejo, J., … & Villarreal-Zegarra, D. (2023). Mental health data available in representative surveys conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean countries: a scoping review. BMJ open13(10), e069861.

News and Press

  • None


David Villarreal-Zegarra.

Project status
